February Policy & Advocacy Update
Why Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is Important in the 2022 Workplace
Rachel Green, MPA, Interim Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, or DEIB, is here now and in the future. The move from DEI to DEIB is one of the identifiers for 2022 and beyond here at Acenda. The arena of diversity and inclusion has at no other time in history evolved more rapidly than in the last two years as we have learned to meet and evolve the more traditional diversity and inclusion, or D&I. In today’s workforce, we know now that more is needed and the norm is not enough in a society that is inherently biased. This has helped the arena of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) move forward.
Nevertheless, being diverse, equitable, and inclusive is not enough to create a work environment that helps an organization get the best out of their teams. To meet the new era of retaining employees, an organization must meet the needs of employees from underrepresented groups because, historically, they do not feel like they have belonged.
Belonging at work is an added key component to the DEI equation. Belonging in the workplace brings a transformation towards psychological safety and real inclusion. DEIB represents being a long-term, integral part of the organization.
Now, let us look at more data-driven metrics about belonging in the workplace.
According to the 2021 Culture Report on belonging at work from the Achievers Workforce Institute, belonging is a key factor for organizational success:
- It positively affects retention. 40% of respondents with a strong sense of belonging rarely think about looking for a job elsewhere, versus 5% of respondents with a low sense of belonging.
- It boosts productivity. 45% of respondents with a strong sense of belonging say they are their most productive self at work. Only 6% of those with a low sense of belonging say that.
- It’s the best kind of employer branding. 51% of respondents with a strong sense of belonging would recommend their company as a great place to work, versus 4% of those with a low sense of belonging.
An inclusive work environment is an environment in which people feel safe— a place where everyone can bring their whole self to work and freely express their opinion. As HR trends evolve organization’s culture in 2022 and beyond from DEI to DEIB, it is important to note that DEIB is not a fashionable trend that will fizzle out. Rather, it is a tool that will shape the way organizations work moving forward. This is why it is imperative to draft a blueprint for your organization’s efforts now.